LG Authorised Service Center (Nairobi ke) Nairobi City Kenya

Get from LG Authorised Service Center (Nairobi ke) Nairobi City Kenya , LG TV and Smartphone screen replacement and other LG Smartphone , Vacuum Cleaners, Microwave, Fridgers, TV, Home Theatre Repair Cost in Kenya from LG Authorised Service Center (Nairobi ke) Nairobi City Kenya

 Physical Location:Revlon Plaza, 2nd Floor Shop No. 2, Biashara Street, Nairobi CBD, Kenya .

 Telephone Contacts: 0703856989, 0727931500, 0780919699, 0102239176


Please Fill in the form below to Get LG screen replacement and other LG Smartphone and LG TV  Repair Cost in Kenya from our  LG Authorised Service Center (Nairobi ke) Nairobi City Kenya . LG Service Center Nairobi. LG Repair Shop Kenya Contacts. LG Repair Shop Nairobi    0703856989, 0727931500, 0780919699, 0102239176

NOTE: We shall come to your home, office or at your convenience to repair your device anywhere in Nairobi, Thika and Kiambu.

Devices not in Nairobi we shall send you to our appointed repair shop nearest to you or send the device via G4S or Securicor to Our LG Authorised Service Center (Nairobi ke) Nairobi City Kenya and LG Repair Shop in Nairobi Contacts   0703856989, 0727931500, 0780919699, 0102239176

The cost is determined by the device type and level of damage